As a volunteer-run organization IALFM depends heavily on responsible volunteers for its various functions and services. BOD has commissioned different committees to serve the needs of the community. These committees consist of volunteers from our community. Most committees have at least one BOD Representative who may also head the committee, if needed, while other committees are lead by volunteers from our community.
Guidance for Community
Please feel free to directly contact IALFM Committees (listed below) using their email addresses, in case if you have a question for them on related responsibilities & activities.
Want to Volunteer?
Please complete the Volunteer Signup Form linked below. We will get back to you soon!
Inter-Committees Communication
Members of IALFM Committees should feel free to communicate with each other thru available means, in person or preferably via email (as it helps in keeping a record of contact/conversation). When needed, members can contact IALFM BOD ( with their questions or concerns.
IALFM Committees
Audit – Contact: – (not looking for new members at this time)
This committee is responsible for ensuring that the annual financial audit of our organization, as required per our constitution, is conducted & report is prepared for the reference of IALFM members. Financial background is highly recommended for members who wish to serve on this committee.
Careers – Contact: – (not looking for new members at this time)
This committee is responsible for organizing and managing the entire hiring process for open employment positions at IALFM, like Youth Advisor, etc.
Constitution Review – Contact: – (not looking for new members at this time)
This committee is responsible for soliciting community feedback regarding the constitution & recommend changes to the Board & IALFM General Body (members) for approval. Legal background is highly recommended to serve on this committee.
Construction – Contact: – (not looking for new members at this time)
This committee oversees the construction project & process for our new masjid building that we are building for our future community use. An engineering degree/background & project management experience is highly desired to serve on this committee.
Education – Contact:
Education committee is responsible for organizing & producing Islamic educational programs and guidance for the IALFM community and for managing the Quran school and Pillars Academy. The educational programs include khatiras, lectures, classes, workshops, activities, family nights and more. Please note that Sunday School is managed by a separate committee.
Election Commission – Contact: – (not looking for new members at this time)
Election Commission is responsible for managing the entire election process for IALFM Board of Directors or any other similar need where consent or vote of IALFM General Body is required to conduct the business of IALFM organization.
Emergency Relief Fund (ERF) & Donations Disbursement – Contact:
This committee processes applications for financial help from deserving community members & donation disbursement to local charitable organizations, funds are paid from Zakat & Sadaqa collections.
Facility – Contact:
This committee is responsible for maintenance of the masjid building & its premises. Besides overseeing regular maintenance, it is also responsible for authorization & tracking of its use for approved events organized at our masjid.
Finance – Contact: – (not looking for new members at this time)
This committee is overseen by the treasurer & is responsible for financial matters of our organization including account receivables, account payable, bookkeeping & budgeting. Accounting background is highly desirable to serve on this committee.
Fundraising – Contact:
This committee oversees the fundraising aspects & events for our organization. The funds raised could be for a specific purpose, like the construction of the new masjid building or for general operational expenses of the organization.
Funeral – Contact:
This committee manages the funeral services that are provided by IALFM to our community.
Interfaith Outreach & Dawah – Contact:
This committee helps facilitate interfaith harmony working in collaboration with other local faith based organizations & organizes related events.
Khateeb Scheduling – Contact:
This committee oversees the scheduling of speakers mainly for Friday prayers, Ramadan & other similar needs during the year.
Membership – Contact: – (not looking for new members at this time)
This committee manages the signup & maintenance of the paid members of our organization. This committee maintains the members list used for election of the Board of Directors & organizes the general body meetings.
Picnic – Contact: – (not looking for new members at this time)
This committee helps in organizing the ‘Annual Community Picnic’ in Spring with help from Sunday School, Facility & other committees at IALFM.
Ramadan – Contact:
This committee helps organize community Iftaar, Taraweeh & other related events during the Islamic month of Ramadan.
Security – Contact:
This committee is responsible for the physical security of the premises, assets and visitors of our masjid.
Sisters – Contact:
This committee helps organize Islamic, educational, and charitable events specifically for the sisters in our community.
Sunday School – Contact:
This committee is solely responsible for the educational aspects & operations of ‘IALFM Sunday School’ for the children in Pre-K thru 8th grades.
Technology & Communications – Contact: – (not looking for new members at this time)
This committee is responsible for maintaining the technical systems & assets of our organization, including the website & communication channels of the organization e.g. weekly newsletter, Facebook & YouTube.
Youth – Contact:
This committee helps organize events for the youth in our community, solicits their feedback & provides their perspective to the following committees: Education, Fundraising & Sunday School.