The day-to-day affairs of IALFM are conducted by the members of Board of Directors (BoD). The IALFM Board has seven elected members from our community and is governed by the IALFM Constitution. Following is a list of all current members of our Board.
Br Razaq Khazi-Syed – President (elected for 2024-25 term)
Br Harris Khan – Vice President (elected for 2025-26 term)
Br Masud Rahman – Treasurer (elected for 2024-25 term)
Br Firoz Vohra (elected for 2024-25 term)
Br Jamal Ahmed (elected for 2025-26 term)
Br Mahmood Alvi (elected for 2025-26 term)
Br Syed Bukhari (elected for 2025-26 term)
You can contact the IALFM ‘Board of Directors’ by sending an email at
Past Directors
Click here to show details about ‘Past Directors’ …
Keeping this section for record purposes as it helps during election process and nomination of new candidates for available director positions in IALFM Board of Directors.
Br Harris Khan (elected for 2023-24 term, completed his term on 12/31/2024 & got re-elected for 2025-26 term, i.e. his 2nd consecutive term)
Br Razaq Khazi-Syed (elected for 2022-23 term, completed his term on 12/31/2023 & got re-elected for 2024-25 term, i.e. his 2nd consecutive term)
Br Lisanul Haq (elected for 2024-25 term, resigned on 12/31/2024)
Sr Kulsum Pirbhai (elected for 2023-24 term, completed her term on 12/31/2024)
Br Nusrat Atta (elected for 2023-24 term, completed his term on 12/31/2024)
Br Amir Haque (elected for 2022-23 term, completed his term on 12/31/2023)
Br Jamal Ahmed (elected for 2022-23 term, completed his term on 12/31/2023)
Br Mohammad Qasim (elected for 2022-23 term, completed his term on 12/31/2023)
Sr Tooba Mohiuddin (elected for 2021-22 term, completed her term on 12/31/2022)
Br Ali Emran (elected & served for two continuous terms, 2019-20 & 2021-22, substituted for Br Tahir Farrukh after his resignation, completed his last term on 12/31/2022)
Br Gamal Abdel-Hafiz (elected & served for two continuous terms, 2019-20 & 2021-22, completed his last term on 12/31/2022)
Br Kazal Ahmed (elected for 2020-21 term, completed his term on 12/31/2021)
Br Ali Khokhar (elected for 2020-21 term, completed his term on 12/31/2021)
Br Amir Ehtisham (elected for 2020-21 term, completed his term on 12/31/2021)
Sr Maha Ali (elected for 2020-21 term, completed her term on 12/31/2021)
Br Tahir Farrukh (elected for 2021-22 term, resigned on 7/6/2021)
Br Salman Sattar (substituted for Br Mahmood Anwar after his resignation, for 2019-20 term, completed his term on 12/31/2020)
Br Razaq Khazi-Syed (elected for 2018-19 term, completed his term on 12/31/2019)
Sr Samia Babar (elected for 2018-19 term, completed her term on 12/31/2019)
Br Asif Khan (elected for 2018-19 term, completed his term on 12/31/2019)
Br Ahmed Elsaie (elected for 2019-20 term, resigned on 10/5/2019)
Br Mahmood Anwar (substituted for Br Sher Khan after his resignation, resigned on 9/27/2019)
Br Sher Khan (elected for 2019-20 term, resigned on 4/18/2019)
Br Mujtaba Hassan (elected for 2017-18 term, completed his term on 12/31/2018)
Br Amir Haque (elected for 2017-18 term, completed his term on 12/31/2018)
Br Nasir Malik (elected for 2018-19 term, resigned on 11/15/2018)
Br Ali Mehmud (elected for 2018-19 term, resigned on 11/11/2018)
Note: As per IALFM Constitution (Article 6.3.1), a director in IALFM ‘Board of Directors’ is elected for a term of 2 years & can serve 2 consecutive terms after going thru election process.